Andrea SweetGirl, brazilian designer and 3d modeller. I have passion for virtual fashion and 3d worlds.

Member of Moove community since 2007, I started to design since then.

Many designers have helped me in the learning process, specially my sis C@ndi SinZ, but also

other talented artists in Moove. Moove is the most welcoming community in the web. 

In turn I try to be helpful to new designers or anyone that needs help.

Design is like a theraphy for me. Its not just a combination of 3d objects and textures.

In each of my creations I put my heart and soul. 3d fashion is a way to express myself

in a 3d world but is also dream and fantasy.

Owner of this website with freebies and a store called SweetGirl Boutique.

You can contact me in Moove or by  email.

I hope you enjoy my creations.